Thursday, July 17, 2008


Entrepreneurs can not be separated from creativity. "Creativity” is the ability to bring something new in life. Basically, creativity is the part of entrepreneur’s daily life, by seeing new ways of doing things. In reality, creativity is related to innovation. Entrepreneur has a powerful internal motivation that drive them to accomplish on what they have commited. They tend to find other possibility or opportunity to create a new things. That’s why entrepreneurs can challenge large business, disturb market, and even can thrive on chaos situtation. The question is, how the process of creative thinking?
First: Preparation (Knowledge Accumulation). At this stage, an entrepreneur will collecting and sorting the relevant information, analyzing the problem thoroughly, and finding possible solutions. Second: Incubation. This stage similar to reflection/meditaion which included a mental work such analyzing, synthesizing, imaging, and valuing through subconscious mind. Third: Insight. At this stage an idea comes up through conscious mind (maybe suddenly or gradually). Mostly this happened in the relaxed situation. Fourth: Validation. Entrepreneur will validate the new idea by using their talent intuition and or experience, insight.
The characteristics of creative people are 1) oppeness to experience, 2) seeing things with unusual way, 3) curiousity, 4) accept differences, 5) independent in thinking and action.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

CREATIVITY is one of the skills of Entrepreneur

Creativity is the capability to optimize the use of left-hemisphere and right hemisphere of brain. Through creativity an entrepreneur can face and solve problem in different ways.
That's why some people says that, learn from children how's so simple...!!!
Creative is a characteristic that brings an entrepreneur become successful. From experience to Indonesian entrepreneur this is one of the indication possesed by them to become success.
Entrepreneur live by optimizing and make non valuable things become valuable. They make things happen. Some entrepreneur, dealing with the uses of waste (paper, woods, household, scrap-iron, tires, etc) and bocome successful in this business. Moreover they provide an opportunity for people around them to get a job.
Above of all is how to use creativity....think from the very simple thing.....elaborate to business perspective...and do it.

July 16, 2008

There's a lot of opportunity for everbody, be an ENTREPRENEUR!

Dear Readers,

Entrepreneur is not a "taboo" word for society in the world, especially in education community. Entrepreneurship has become the most popular word which give a spirit to everybody to make their life better. Entrepreneurship is a morphology that can develop awareness about the future of people. The implication of entrepreneurship will bring positive impact and finally bring prosperity for everybody.
The problem how to materialized ENTREPRENEURSHIP into practical life, at least in the "world of education". Practice of entrepreneurship in the world of education is shouldn't viewed as effort to dribble every people (Indonesia) develops business/effort; but also is a learning approach that can create successfulness for people who are aware about their future. Career in terms of be a self-employment/entrepreneur or as professional worker or professional teacher/educator.

Greeting Entrepreneurship,